Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm SHOCK!!! :0

This morning i've been filled up my staff form & submit to account department.At the income tax part I just leave it blank cause i assume did't "OPEN" (bestnye ayat) any account with LHDN yet.When the time tht i submited my form,the account deparment did ask me about the "BLANK COLUM" & I just told them i don't think I have an account with them (dgn confidentnye) but she still ask me to check & buzz her later ppffftttt.I just said "OK".And the time has come...........

I called up LHDN.I'm getting their number from the website.Bagus la...sekali dail jer dah angkat.Thumb up!!!Check punye check punye check.....TADAAAAAA..........sekali account aku dah ada dgn diaorg (haaaa......pucat2) Mengelabah gak la aku...Nasib x lupe apa nak tanya.Apa yang penting.....mak x sangkut nyah...CLEAN....Cuma tahun ni nak kena isi borang B dalam website (if i'm not mistaken.x pe lah nanti tepon lagi sbb x ingat clear apa budak tu cakap ngehhhx3

Ingat malam ni nak isi la form tu sekali no pin lak tertinggal kat opis.Apa daaa....pelupa mcm makss  neneksss betol....Tak pe ada sebulan lebih lagi nak buatkan (budak BertuaH ni mmg suka buat kerja bertangguh) so kita buat mlm mgg jer la or ikut kerajinan hehehehe...boleh gitu????

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