: ( Ingat hari ni berangan nak balik awal la,emmm...mcm hampeh.Keje byk weiii.So apa yg I buat dlm masa 5 hari sebelum resign???
- Settlekan keje2 yg pending.Kang pengsan lak sape yg replace tu % )
- Time ni la nak leisure2kan diri anda contohnya i buat keje time ni pun dah rileks & slow jer.Tak de rushing2 hehehehe...
- Having lunch dgn colleague.Part yg ni best cause time tu la berebut2 org nak belanja ***wink***
Having afternoon tea at my desk - poppy seed cake + story book.Berzaman beli baru nak baca.The best part i managed to finish reading in 1 week.Emmm...catat rekod...
Esok dah mula kat tempat baru.Takut ada,nervous pun ada...aiishhh mcm2 la.Yelah new environment,new task.new system & new friends.I just hope that everything would be fine & they welcome me in their team.To my previous company,thanks for giving me this such opportunity & the salary eventhough my working period is short ;)
With the new company i hope that i may expand my carrier here until end of my service.No more changes,insyallah cause i'm getting older :'( I just cross my finger ;) adiosss amigos.....
Good Luck and All The Best with your new job....
New job on your birthday..what a coincidence haa....
tenkie berry muchhh....consider ni mcm hadiah birthday la kan...
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